A Traditional and Heartened Welcome of New Dots at Multidots!

Experience the warmth and joy as we give a traditional welcome to our new Dots family members at Multidots

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    Who told that seniors and juniors have been in rivalry since long? Multidots have been actively involved in socializing events that helps to create an environment where everyone can work on the same floor. Thus, Multidots has organized a welcome party for new dots in traditional way, which was full of fun, teamwork and one of the most memorable events of the lifetime for everyone, specially the new dots!!

    At Multidots, we have been maintaining old, yet ever green tradition of acceding new dots (we call our employee a dot) by encouraging them for their first step in corporate world. The enthusiastic team of new dots, Hiral, Tejas, Bharat, Jaydeep, Priyank, Ravi, Nimesh, Sandeep, Kamlesh, Ravindra, Neha was welcomed by "Red Tilak" for good luck followed by Aarti. The new dots were each given a small greeting card with a quote (message), which the seniors had prepared for them. This showed the mantra which they followed in their corporate lifestyle to reach at success peak in their respective careers.

    Neha:  "You welcomed us so nicely with aarti & sweets and you arranged so many events, games & food for us. I really enjoyed a lot participating in all the events…laughed so much on that day…."

    A Traditional and Heartened Welcome of New Dots at Multidots!

    19th January, 2013 was celebrated at Multidots, where the agenda clearly stood saying that, "Healthy Relationship between Seniors & Juniors can take a leap ahead for they’re as well as the organization’s future."  Few explorative activities were preceded after welcoming the new team. Though having peak time during their office hours, the seniors took special interest and invested their time in planning, organizing and making this welcome event a success.

    Priyank: "We enjoyed that day with great fun. That was a memorable day for us because on that day we made a new relation with multidots as a family…."

    A Traditional and Heartened Welcome of New Dots at Multidots!

    As the new dots and existing team members have been working together on few projects, we always strive hard to make each new member, a part of our healthy family. Ice-Breaking game was newbie to these fresher and they enjoyed playing it thoroughly, saying names of the "new dots" of the organization, at the very moment of curtain falling. Make-Me-Laugh competition can really make you laugh, cracking jokes, funny acts or be it anything which can make a person laugh till his/her stomach aches. Last but not the least, was thrilled game of chit-making. Few of Multidots team made amazing, comical yet pleasure-giving game called "Do & Act-As-Chit". Small Chits were prepared, where in the chit-taker had to speak for at least a minute on the given topic. Sounds interesting, isn’t it?

    Ravi Parmar: "There are many enjoyable things we can’t write in few lines. One is our welcome party in MULTIDOTS given by our seniors. All the participants were welcomed to as a family member…."

    These were very much joy making moment for all the people, present over there. The seniors apart from having healthy time with new dots, also had something special to say after Snacks time. The best savory dishes of Gujarat were arranged for all them to complete the evening with a pinch of delicacy!

    Hiral Patel : "It was a unique party I had seen in my life, friendly environment and lots of fun with all of them. I was heart-melted happy seeing the unique welcome, introduction of whole Multidots family, playing interesting games, tricky events, sharing thoughts and last but not the least, I won’t forget the delicacies we had together. On that day I laughed a lot and enjoyed a lot with all, making it one of the memorable events of my life…."

    This welcome event was celebrated congenially having cool atmosphere where Multidots family cheered and supported the new talent, where they can explore their creativity and hidden talents for bringing prosperity to both, them and the organization too.  Sweet memories last longer, so these wonderful event moments were captured in camera, while making the atmosphere more appealing. At Multidots, we provide environment which would be ideal for a person to display his/her abilities and skills in best way, thus utilizing efforts in constructive way. With support and positive approach towards work, we coach new dots and celebrate success while equipping them in building and working towards realistic goals.

    A place where new talent is welcomed with new thought and mind-set, this event would be an add-on to the existing long list of celebrated events at Multidots.

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    Aslam Multani


    Aslam Multani

    Aslam is the Co-Founder and CTO of Multidots known for his knack for solving complex problems with innovative, out-of-the-box solutions. He proudly refers to himself as "The Introspective Techie."

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